Wednesday 26 November 2014

Colva's Anonymous Letters

This could be happening in other parts of Goa but in Colva particularly, many are aware of anonymous letters being sent by some person(s); in the form of Typed out letters being posted to various individuals and also delivered anonymously to physical locations i.e. Shops, Residences etc. These letters were also sent out targeting me with all sorts of false information, so as to try to malign my reputation. I would not care much about it as such, but I appreciate that many such maligning letters are sent out against many other people in Colva, at various times in the past. The very way this being done by the person(s), shows a nature of a coward. Probably can't face out issues in a civilized manner and has to resort to such low ways. Or perhaps plans by vested interests to the detriment of Colva/Colvenkars have been challenged/stopped and hence the frustration by these person(s)!!  Surely these anonymous letter writers must be kept informed that should deemed be necessary, there are ways to unmask these type of person(s).

Arwin Mesquita, Colva. 

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