Sunday 11 March 2018

Goa’s Democratic Opportunity

Goa’s Democratic Opportunity 

One of the biggest privileges given to us by India’s founding founders was freedom of speech and Democracy. However are Indians and Goans in particular using it or wasting it ?

Today in Goa for instance, we are clearly aware of the Massive loot of our mining resources to the tune of thousands of crores of Rupees, huge theft of our taxes via corruption, horrific pollution of our air/waters, large scale destruction of our environment, ecology and thousands of trees for unwanted/unjustified projects; that benefit only the political class and their financial backers.  The list goes gone on and on !

Most Goans are just interested only in just Football, Bootlicking pathetic/ineffective/Corrupt Politicians, Singing tunes of their favorite political party’s, Social Events,  Dances, Nightclubs and applying for Portuguese passports ; I appreciate some do for economic reasons but I know many who actually do not need to do so! 

There are people in many parts of the world who dream of freedom, free speech and democracy. And here we are just taking it for Granted.  It’s a minuscule minority of people in Goa who are genuine activists and fighting a thankless battle against powerful & corrupt forces. There are also, to acknowledge few non resident Goans also speaking out and doing their bit even; even if it is just a little.  Where are the rest of the overwhelming majority of Resident and Non Resident Goans?  Are they so complacent that they could not even contribute in a small manner of action or even speech? Are they scared of offending people so as to ensure that they are always in good books of the rogue Anti Goa Forces and hopefully get their personal work or business done ? Or maybe it’s just cowardice! Many of these people will spend their energy fighting against their own family members for property, money and other benefits but will have no spine when it really matters. We can can even see this inaction in which Goans generally continue to vote for failed/corrupt politicians! 

What use is Democracy if we do not contribute, speak up and hold our politicians/ public servants Accountable ! Many could get a PHD in being the state of affairs of the state and its politics but what’s the use of all this if we do not put it to some use of even some minimum  speech or action.  

I think we Goans don’t not actually deserve all the freedom and powers that democracy has given us. It is better that we are Governed by Dictatorship! Needless to say this does not only apply to Goans but also Indians at large ( Resident and Non Resident ) 

Arwin Mesquita, Colva.  

Friday 9 February 2018

Black Real Estate - Goa

It is a known fact that the builders lobby and specific real estate agents are working overtime to convert Goa from Green to Brown and this is having a serious affect on the environment, ecology not to mention severe land/air/water pollution and rising temperatures.  

Goans must realize that to feed the greed of few, Goa and Goans in general are being compromised. Not to mention, the huge black money component which is a major factor in pushing the real estate growth to such crazy heights and in turn destroying our beautiful state. We must recognize this fact and take the builders lobby to task and push for reduction in the indiscriminate buildup.  

I appreciate that real estate is required to some point but what is happening in Goa today is beyond tolerable levels. Mahatma Gandhi once said "The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed". Goans must wake up before it's too late or be ready to pay the price for allowing this indiscriminate destruction. 

Arwin Mesquita, Colva
It is a known fact that the builders lobby and specific real estate agents are working overtime to convert Goa from Green to Brown and this is having a serious affect on the environment, ecology not to mention severe land/air/water pollution and rising temperatures.  

Goans must realize that to feed the greed of few, Goa and Goans in general are being compromised. Not to mention, the huge black money component which is a major factor in pushing the real estate growth to such crazy heights and in turn destroying our beautiful state. We must recognize this fact and take the builders lobby to task and push for reduction in the indiscriminate buildup.  

I appreciate that real estate is required to some point but what is happening in Goa today is beyond tolerable levels. Mahatma Gandhi once said "The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed". Goans must wake up before it's too late or be ready to pay the price for allowing this indiscriminate destruction. 

Arwin Mesquita, 

Thursday 8 February 2018

Sensitive Goa Government 

It was interesting to hear key Ministers in the current Goa Government complaining about the criticism of their Governance on social media. They call the critics Social Media “Tigers” who just are trying to promote pessimism in the state. 

Ironically, these same MLA’s were criticizing the Ex-Govts when they were not part of it and even their followers were criticizing  ex-Governments, in an organized/planned manner. 

So I ask under their own definition, where they then Social Media “tigers and pessimists” when they were not part of the Government? Are they saying that since they are now in power they are doing an absolutely amazing job to the Good Of Goa/Goans and people should not criticize them ?

One thing I can see is that though they have successful checkmated all opposition to their governance either by 1) Lucrative Incentives/Political favours, 2) Creating Political Divisions, 3) Various cases filed on opposition MLA’s (Which I don’t think they will push for prosecution but will only use as defense to blackmail any potential opposition); what they are now surprised by is criticism by Goans coming from areas they did not expect and that to from a huge Global Level.  

Happy “Liberation” Day Goa!

1) They looted Goa on its iron ore/minerals to the tune of thousands of crores of Rupees, so as to beef up the coffers of the central government and also the Wealth/Black Money Of Politicians In Delhi, Goa and many others.

2) Corrupt ruling politicians at the Centre  After looting Goa in crores give pittance back in
Relatively much smaller amounts and act as if they are doing us a favor.  If our resources were not looted we would not need any of their pittance. 

3) By looting Goa of it’s resources they have converted on what should have been one of the Richest states in the world to the most indebted in India. 

4) Small Goa is being bought out using these huge amounts of black money from other parts of India  and with it our waters polluted, hills cut, beaches degraded, sand dunes destroyed etc. this black money has made properties / real estate out of reach for ordinary Goans !

5) Now after looting our resources, selling out our land (many times by allowing illegalities) 
- NOW Our Government  is giving away our waters to much bigger state so that it can help election prospects in that state .  ( If it really was on  humanitarian basis  why did the Government  not write to the elected Karnataka Govt?)

And they want us to Celebrate Liberation Day. From what - On all the points mentioned above ?

Political Garbage Mentality 

Given the pathetic situation of Garbage being all over the place, I keep on hearing some people including politicians saying the ownership is on People and not of the Politicians. 

Whilst I agree Mentality of people is also important but let this not be an excuse, to justify the incompetence of the Goa Government. 

 I have been to many places with significant Indian populations and sorry to say many do carry this same poor mentality on cleanliness / Garbage management. Of course there are other nationalities also who are the same. 

 But these places are still generally clean  because the Government there not only has set up effective bins/garbage collection points and organized a professional work force to keep the place clean but also has introduced stiff penalties for the offenders. Is this not common sense for the Goa Government to do in a small state with a relatively small population ?

The Goa Government talks big and makes s lot of promises but the actual results are pathetic ! Have we all forgotten that the government promised Garbage Free Goa by 2015?

Parrikar’s Costly NGT

It’s quite surprising that Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar says it’s too costly to set up the NGT Bench in Goa.  Does he realize that Goa’s USP - unique selling point is its natural beauty, clean environment? ( both now getting fast eroded by his Govts destructive policies)   Will not be too costly for Goa and Goans we lose on our USP?  

Also I find it strange when the Govt is fine in spending crores onfunding illegal dwellings at Tax Payers expense but Does not have funds for a genuine cause!

Yes however I do agree it will be costly for Corrupt Govt Ministers, Bureaucrats and destructive lobbies who will lose a lot, should there be strong deterrent against illegally destroying Goa!